So here it is.. My first post! Can you believe it? I've been patiently anticipating this moment for a few weeks from the moment I decided that I would write a blog. My goal is to post at least once a day. Some days more than others, I'm sure... When I get going... I get rolling.... ;)
Anywho... The reason I waited to even created my first post was I needed a camera. So I did my research and purchased a GE X500 Camera. It had incredible reviews and an incredible price tag to match! So I messed with it a little... I tried the Panaramic view and I thought it was trick! I know it's a little bit messed up, but you have to work with me here... I've barely owned this sucker for 12 hours.
(This is our dining room, and yes... I know our carpet is hideous)
My blog will be about anything and everything that I love and do and want and so on.....
With that, one of my current house projects is redoing our bedroom. I have barely touched the room and it needs some good ol' TLC. Let me tell you (and I am) (yes, I get my cheesy jokes from my dad).
My oh so wonderful Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother and Sister-in-law purchased a duvet cover from Pottery Barn for my birthday! ***YAY*** It looks like this:
It's cute... I know...
I'm in love all over again <3!
So that's about all I have so far for decorating the bedroom. I'm still imagining all the endless possibilities there are!
That's all I got for tonight! I'm off to go watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with the hubs... I'm suckerin' him in! ;) ***FINALLY*** It's about time he hopped on the HP train!
P.S. I know my Post Title sounds like a preschool name. Not a big deal. ;)
Harry Potter for life! I think I was watching the Half-Blood Prince when you posted this...