Monday, August 29, 2011

Peaches & Cream Pie

I love everything about summer (except shorts), from warm breezy days to sweet, ripe peaches! I love the bright cheery colors, sunbathing, hot sand, driving with the windows down, barbeques, warm evenings, flip flops, hammocks, reading by the pool,  ice cream, blue skies, etc... 
The list goes on!

Remember how I said I love sweet, ripe peaches? 
You'll love this even more! Peaches & Cream Pie! 


I made it for the first time a few days ago. 
You start off with making your crust first & I did.
Guess what I forgot to do?
Yep... I forgot to poke holes in the pie crust before I baked it!!!
I was so mad at myself... 
One little mistake & it was ruined!
I was tired when I made it & so you know how you are all tired & something like this happens?
Yeah.. I wasn't a very happy person at that moment.
At least it looked cute, right?

Well, I bucked up & tried again, this time remembering to poke holes!


I found the recipe out in blogland here.

Hope you try it out too! 
Definitely on our make next summer list!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Baby Shower Invites + Super Post

So I FINALLY finished the baby shower invitations for my sister (in-law).
 I love how they turned out!

sorry about my lame "white out" on the picture...
figuring out photoshop can be a pain

That's pretty much what I did all day today...

On another note... I know it's been a while since I last posted...
So this will be a SUPER POST!
Like how Super Man is Super!

For Starters:

Here's my SUPER DOG

If Rainey had a cape around her neck, this picture would AWESOME!

This is the desk I got for free...
Gonna wrap it up with some new hardware & some new legs & new paint for sure!
I've sanded down the drawers already & now I'm waiting for my hubs to
help me pull this heavy sucka out on the grass...

I got these too... aren't they awesome?
I'm going *gasp* paint them....
They are beautiful as they are now...
but they don't work with the decor I'm wanting...

I also have (but no pictures) 2 bookshelves, 2 barstools, 2 lamps & 1 stand all in the garage waiting for me to work on them.... I think I have my hands full with projects for a while...

At least you got to see one finished project, right?

I'm off to bed now... it's been a crazy week...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I keep thinking I'm going to get around to starting one of my projects I want to do...
It never happens though...

However, today was an exciting mail day!
I love it when I get mail.
Well... minus the bill part, but that's universal.

I got my very first BIRCH BOX!
I was so excited when I saw the pretty pink box.
Seriously, what girl wouldn't love to get a bright pink box in the mail?
Then on top of that, it has "DELUXE BEAUTY SAMPLES"
They are high end beauty product samples.
Which is simply fabulous.

Here's a Picture of what I got:
So what you get is based on your personality profile that you fill out before you receive your first box  & it is a whopping $10.00 a month per box.
I received:
June Jacobs- Papaya Purifying Enzyme Masque
Quidad- Climate Control Heat & Humidity Gel
Shaveworks-The Cool Fix
Smashbox Cosmetics- Photo Finish Foundation Primer
Twistband- Hair Tie
I haven't tried any of the products that I received today except,
I have purchased the Smashbox Cosmetics- Photo Finish Foundation Primer before.
I just looked at the retail price of the travel size & it is $16.00.
So as you can see, the box pays for itself.
You aren't getting a bunch of small samples that are worth $2.00 that you are paying $10.00 for.

That was almost the most exciting part of my day, except
I got to hang out with a few of my favorite kiddos! :)


Taylor, Abby & Rainey


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blonde No More... Ink Face... Pinterest

Super Cheesy Grin... I know... I guess I'm overly excited because....
I'm not blonde any more!

So I worked my normal day today and went and got my hair done and then...

I came home to my hubby lookin' like this:

and he wonders why I wouldn't kiss him!
So he was working on the lawn mower and needed something to plug the fuel line. So he came up with the brilliant idea of plugging it with an ink pen he had on hand. Well the ink somehow soaked into the fuel & while he was working on it today, it exploded all over him.
I repeat...

i <3 my hubby!
he makes me laugh so much...

also... have you heard of pinterest yet?
i love the site. i love, love, love, love it! it's easy to get lost in the pinterest world.
i've "pinned" so many things...
you should check it out.
it's like a digital pin board for designers and such to create boards of things you like!
it's hard to explain.. but it's totally worth checking out...
specially if you are planning weddings, or redesigning your house or even just decorating!
i'm in love with it

Monday, August 8, 2011

How 2 Fold A Fitted Sheet!

I found this out in blogland! I love these sorts of things!
Here's the original source:
Still after this picture I can hardly get it to look this good! 
Ah, well... One of these days!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sick Sunday

Life just simply seems to be crazy this week! We woke up to a family emergency this morning. Luckily everything is A-O-K there! Can you believe 2 emergencies in 1 week?
After a few hours of hanging out at Grandma's house... This little girl right here realized she's sicker than a dog. I went back to bed at NOON and woke up at FOUR! Who takes a 4 hour nap? Me, I guess! I had a fever, chills, headache, queasy stomach and all else it seemed!
 I started feeling better around 7 tonight...

My hubby and his boyfriend worked so hard all day! Check it out!

So back in December we realized that half of the foundation in the house we live in wasn't supporting the house at all. In mid-December we had to pour cement in for a new foundation. It was quite the ordeal in the middle of winter. Well ever since then, we've had a 30 foot drop from our sliding glass door & an awful looking yard. Izak (my husband's "boyfriend"), Kris (my bro-in-law) and the hubs filled it all back in while I laid in bed!

SO... that was our Sunday!
I can hardly believe the weekend is over!
Hope ya'll aren't sick like me and had a great weekend!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Busy Busy Busy Bee....

FYI: I need to stop opening my big fat mouth.
I never get all that I want accomplished.
For example: posting 2 times yesterday. Ah well...

    We went up to Cooper Spur for dinner and came home to a house full of people!  

My Niece Keira

Nephew Kaden

sister Tonya (in-law)
(like I said before... I have a few I've adopted as sisters),
and brother-in-law Kris
(he's like my big brother, fun to tease).

So you'd think we would spend our Saturday having fun, right? Nope. Tonya and I cleaned this house from head to toe while the boys played all day. We still aren't sure what they did for 5+ hours.

Tonya & I discovered a new use for the Swiffer Sweeper...
cobweb killer!!!
 it's pretty ingenious
we also used it to clean the window sills & such.
so much faster than your average rag and ladder

Cousin Love <3

remember how I told you our room was lacking design?
yeah.... here it is.
it's an eye sore. i know.
but it will be a good transformation, right?
here's one wall from our room.
it had a hole in it for a whole year before we made it look like this...
time to get a move on with this project!

this is what the kids are doing now....
which is what I am about to go do!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Life Happens....

     So I know I said I would (try) blogging everyday. Well LIFE happened and we spent our evening with a friend in the E.R. The good news is he is okay and all is well. The bad news is, I failed yesterday to write a post. DAY 2 and I've already failed us both. So to make up for it I will write 2 posts today!
***Lucky you***

      So this post is primarily going to be about one of my all time favorite people. She is beautiful, goofy, fun, happy, silly, make-you-laugh-til-you-cry, kinda girl and well we just so happen to be related. She's the one and only sister of mine (of course I have a few I've adopted as sisters, but she's the read deal folks)! The reason I am posting about this girl is because she is in Arkansas and has been for five weeks already! It's been a long five weeks, but I have one more week left to go and we will be reunited! 
Plus posting about her gives me the opportunity to share a few of my favorite photos of her. 
I think they show her personality off!

isn't she PURDY

yep.. she's a goofball
i love how rainey looks in this picture (a.k.a. slightly annoyed by her auntie)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bright Beginnings

Hey Ya'll!
So here it is.. My first post! Can you believe it? I've been patiently anticipating this moment for a few weeks from the moment I decided that I would write a blog. My goal is to post at least once a day. Some days more than others, I'm sure... When I get going... I get rolling.... ;)

Anywho... The reason I waited to even created my first post was I needed a camera. So I did my research and purchased a GE X500 Camera. It had incredible reviews and an incredible price tag to match! So I messed with it a little... I tried the Panaramic view and I thought it was trick! I know it's a little bit messed up, but you have to work with me here... I've barely owned this sucker for 12 hours.

(This is our dining room, and yes... I know our carpet is hideous)
My blog will be about anything and everything that I love and do and want and so on.....
With that, one of my current house projects is redoing our bedroom. I have barely touched the room and it needs some good ol' TLC. Let me tell you (and I am) (yes, I get my cheesy jokes from my dad).
My oh so wonderful Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother and Sister-in-law purchased a duvet cover from Pottery Barn for my birthday! ***YAY*** It looks like this:
It's cute... I know...
I'm in love all over again <3!
So that's about all I have so far for decorating the bedroom. I'm still imagining all the endless possibilities there are!

That's all I got for tonight! I'm off to go watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with the hubs... I'm suckerin' him in! ;) ***FINALLY*** It's about time he hopped on the HP train!

P.S. I know my Post Title sounds like a preschool name. Not a big deal. ;)